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Java uses variables to store values of a declared type in memory.

A variable in Java is a named value in memory, depending on the type of variable it can be manipulated by operators. Each variable must be declared with a specific data type, which determines the kind of data it will hold and the operations that can be performed on/with it.


To make use of variables they must first be declared. You can do this by entering the variables type, then its name.

int someNumber = 10;
boolean bSomeBoolean = true;
char someCharacter = 'A';

Consider the declared variable int someNumber = 10; here's a breakdown:

  • Data type int
  • Variable name someNumber
  • Value 10
  • Ending statement ;

A variable name cannot be anything, they have to follow a certain rules:

  • The first character cannot be a number.
  • Characters used must be a letter (a-z or A-Z), number (0-9), dollar sign ($), or underscore (_).
  • Names are case-sensitive. myVariable and myvariable are different.
  • Reserved words in Java cannot be used as variable names. Things like int, class, public, etc.
  • Names should not contain whitespace or special characters like !, @, #, %, etc.
int 1stNumber = 1;           // Error, first character is a number

boolean classIsOpen = false; // Error, class is used in name

boolean bStopApp! = false; // Error, '!' is used in name

int some Number = 2; // Error, name has whitespace


Initialisation is an important step for assigning an initial value to a variable. In the Declaration section, all examples are initialised during declaration using the = assignment operator. This doesn't have to be the case though, variables can be initialised in different ways.

To start with here is an uninitialized variable:

// Uninitialized variable
int numberOfApples;

// Using an uninitialized variable will result in an error
System.out.println("Number of apples: " + numberOfApples);

Variables can be initialised either during declaration or on a separate line. As shown in the example above, attempting to use an uninitialized variable will result in an error.

// Seperate initialisation
int numberOfApples;
numberOfApples = 5;

// Declaration initialisation
int numberOfApples = 5;

Variable Inference

In Java, you can infer a type when declaring a variable by using the var keyword. It can only be used if you are initialising during declaration like so.

var someNumber = 5;         // This will default the type to int
var someOtherNumber = 5.5f; // This will default the type to float

This can be used however you see fit, I rarely use it, but it can be useful for complex types; these could change with different versions of Java or external API. Using var in these scenarios can avoid the need to reflect these changes in any pre-existing code when updating to these newer versions.

Some other articles you might read mention it improves readability, but I disagree. While it can have its benefits, and beginners might find it easier for team based projects it makes the code less readable. It's a hot topic especially in the game industry where C++ is one of the most common languages with its equivalent being the auto keyword.

Types of Variables

In Java there are three main types of variables:

  • Local variables
  • Instance variables
  • Static variables

Some descriptions mention classes, scopes and methods. These are all discussed in later pages.

Local Variables

Local variables are declared within a methods local scope, once the scope has ended its local variables are destroyed. This of course means you cannot access local variables from outside their scope.

These are widely used for various reasons, for holding values temporarily to provide some intended functionality of a method.

public void exampleMethod() {
// This is a local variable
int localVariable = 10;
System.out.println(localVariable); // It can be used within this method

public void otherMethod() {
// This would throw an error, cannot access localVariable from outside of its local scope

Instance Variables

Instance variables also known as class properties, are declared in a classes scope, but outside any of its methods. They are created and tied to an object (a class instance) when its created.

We will discuss these variables in more detail in the classes page, but put simply, they exist while their owning object exists, and are destroyed when that object is destroyed.

Each object of a class has its own copy of the instance variables. This means that if you change the value of an instance variable in one object, it does not affect the value of that same variable in other objects of the same class type.

public class ExampleClass {

// This is an instance variable
int instanceVariable = 10;

public void exampleMethod() {
// It can be used throughout the classes scope

public void otherMethod() {

Static Variables

Static variables, much like instance variables are declared within a classes scope, but outside any of its methods. However, unlike instance variables, static variables are not tied to any specific object; instead, they are shared among all objects of the class.

If you change the value of a static variable in one object, it changes for all objects of the class. They can also be accessed without requiring an object of the class they are declared within, instead you can use the class directly.

They are created when the class itself is loaded into memory and are destroyed when the class is unloaded. They are typically used for values which are supposed to be shared across all instances of a class.

public class ExampleClass {

// This is a static variable
static int staticVariable = 10;

public void printStaticVariable() {

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create two instances of the ExampleClass type
ExampleClass classInstanceA = new ExampleClass();
ExampleClass classInstanceB = new ExampleClass();

// Print starting value

// Increase the static variable

// For both objects of ExampleClass increase and print the static variables value




Constants in Java are variables whose values cannot be changed once they are assigned. Any variable can be made a constant by using the final keyword during its declaration or in a class's constructor.

The naming convention for constants is usually declared using uppercase letters with underscores to separate the words, although this is optional. They are typically leveraged to define fixed values that are used in multiple places, such as mathematical constants, configuration values, error messages etc.

// These are constant static variables
public static final double PI = 3.141592653589793d; // Pi for mathematical calculations
public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5000; // Error message for an application timeout