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Primitive Types

Java is a typed language, and data types play a fundamental role, serving as blueprints for variables and defining the type of data that can be stored and manipulated for a given variable. Understanding data types is essential for creating functionality in code for any given task.

Variables must have a declared type for them to be interpreted correctly, unlike simpler programming languages that will automatically detect this based off what is actively being stored in them. There are many different data types in Java, the most basic types are known as primitive types, they represent single values and are directly supported as part of the language.

Other types such as Java Objects which is are instances of a given Class. Objects enable the implementation of concepts like Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism, which we will explore in more detail in the Object Orientation Page.


This page outlines what primitive types are, in later pages based on variables, operators, and control flow we will discuss in more detail how these types can be used.

In total there are 8 primitive types in Java:

  • boolean
  • char
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double


An important thing to understand before moving on to the explanations of primitive data types are bits. Think of a bit as the smallest unit of information in a computer. It's like a tiny switch that can be either "off" or "on", but in computers they are interpreted as binary, so 0 or 1.

Now, when we group bits together, we can represent more complex information. For example, with just one bit, we can represent two possible values (0 or 1). But if we have two bits, we can represent four possible values (00, 01, 10, 11). This scales exponentially as we add more bits to represent a given value or in this case data type.

In computer memory and data storage, information is stored using combinations of bits. For example, text, images, and videos are all stored as patterns of bits. This is also the case for computation, the way computers perform calculations, make decisions, and execute instructions is done by manipulating bits in various ways.


The boolean type can have one of two values, true or false. It is used for evaluating logical conditions, and is typically used for comparisons and control flow statements, such as if statements, while loops, for loops; all of which we will later go over when discussing control flow.

When a variable makes use of the boolean type, you would initialize it by setting it to true or false. If you choose not to initialize the default value, it will automatically be assigned a false value.

boolean bThisIsTrue = true;      // Initialized with the value true
boolean bThisIsFalse = false; // Initialized with the value false
boolean bNotInitialized; // Non-initialized so the values default is false

Occupies 8 bits, stored using 1 byte


The char type represents a single 16-bit Unicode character. It is mostly used to store individual characters, such as letters, digits, and symbols. Although these days there are now some Unicode characters that require two or more char values. This type serves as a fundamental type for working with textual data in Java, enabling you to manipulate individual characters and process text effectively.

When a variable makes use of the char type, you would initialize it by setting it via a character, number, symbol or hexadecimal value. If you choose not to initialize the default value, it will automatically be assigned a null character value.

char firstLetter = 'A';     // Initialized with the character 'A'
char digit = '3'; // Initialized with the character '3'
char symbol = '£'; // Initialized with the character '£'
char newLine = '\n'; // Initialized with the newline character
char bNotInitialized; // Non-initialized so the values default is '\u0000' (Null character)

A Unicode character is a standardized character encoding system that assigns a unique numeric value (code point) to every character used in written languages around the world. It aims to provide a universal character set that can represent text in any language. In Java, you can also initialize a variable of type char via hexadecimal values like so.

char firstLetter = '\u0041';   // Initialized with the character 'A'
char digit = '\u0033'; // Initialized with the character '3'
char symbol = '\u00A3'; // Initialized with the character '£'
char newLine = '\u000A'; // Initialized with the newline character
char nullChar = '\u0000'; // Initialized with the null character

Occupies 16 bits, stored using 2 bytes


The byte type represents an 8-bit signed integer. It can hold numerical values.

Range: -128 to 127

These types are most commonly used when memory conservation is required, dealing with raw binary data, or when there is a very small range of values expected.

If you choose not to initialize a byte variable, it will automatically be assigned a default value of 0. If you choose to initialize using a value outside the types range, will result in a compilation error.

byte smallNumber = 42;         // Initialized with the value 42
byte negativeNumber = -100; // Initialized with the value -100
byte defaultValue; // Non-initialized so the values default is 0

// Value is outside of the types range, would result in a compilation error
byte errorValue = 1000;

Occupies 8 bits


The short type represents a 16-bit signed integer. It can hold numerical values.

Range: -32768 to 32767

These types are commonly used when memory conservation is required or when dealing with data that falls within a moderate range of values.

If you choose not to initialize a short variable, it will automatically be assigned a default value of 0. Attempting to initialize using a value outside the types range, will result in a compilation error.

short smallNumber = 5000;         // Initialized with the value 5000
short negativeNumber = -20000; // Initialized with the value -20000
short defaultValue; // Non-initialized so the values default is 0

// Value is outside of the types range, would result in a compilation error
short errorValue = 123456;

Occupies 16 bits, stored using 2 bytes


The int type represents a 32-bit signed integer. It can hold numerical values.

Range: -2147483648 to 2147483647

These types are commonly used for general-purpose integer-based calculations and when dealing with data that requires a wider range of values.

If you choose not to initialize an int variable, it will automatically be assigned a default value of 0. Attempting to initialize using a value outside the types range, will result in a compilation error.

int smallNumber = 5;              // Initialized with the value 5
int negativeNumber = -2000000; // Initialized with the value -2000000
int defaultValue; // Non-initialized so the values default is 0

// Value is outside of the types range, would result in a compilation error
int errorValue = 123456789;

Occupies 32 bits, stored using 4 bytes


The long type represents a 64-bit signed integer. It can hold numerical values.

Range: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

These types are commonly used when dealing with very large integer values or when a wider range of values is required when compared to int.

If you choose not to initialize a long variable, it will automatically be assigned a default value of 0. Attempting to initialize using a value outside the types range, will result in a compilation error.


To assign a longs value you should end the value with an L

long smallNumber = 100L;           // Initialized with the value 100L
long negativeNumber = -1250000L; // Initialized with the value -1250000L
long defaultValue; // Non-initialized so the values default is 0

// Value is outside of the types range, would result in a compilation error
long errorValue = 10000000000000000000000L;

Occupies 64 bits, stored using 8 bytes


The float type represents a single-precision 32-bit floating-point number. It can hold decimal values with a precision of 7 digits. These types are commonly used when dealing with decimal numbers that do not require high levels of precision, such as scientific calculations or representing fractional values. For calculations in games that are usually approximated, they are widely used.

To expand on what a float type is, take the value -1.2651111f. We can split this up to the following:

  • 1 bit is used to represent the sign -
  • 8 bits for the Exponent 1
  • 23 bits for the Mantissa 2651111

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IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers

Floats have limited precision and can only represent a certain number of decimal places. As the Exponent increases, so do the bits required to represent the value.

Take the value 12557.2651111f, the Exponent has exceeded the 8 bits it originally had to represent its value. To store it, the number of bits representing the Mantissa (decimal value) will need to reduce, therefore reducing its precision. In this case, it will be rounded to fit this new precision. Attempting to store 12557.2651111f would result in a float value of 12557.265f.


To assign a floats value you should end the value with an f

float smallNumber = 3.14f;          // Initialized with the value 3.14f
float negativeNumber = -123.45f; // Initialized with the value -123.45f
float defaultValue; // Non-initialized so the values default is 0.0f

// Value is outside of the types range, would result in a compilation error
float errorValue = 1111111111111.1111111111111f;

Occupies 32 bits, stored using 4 bytes


The double type represents a double-precision 64-bit floating-point number. It can hold decimal values with a precision of approximately 15-16 digits. These types are commonly used when dealing with decimal numbers that require higher levels of precision, such as financial calculations, scientific computations, or representing large or small quantities with high accuracy.

To expand on what a double type is, let's consider the value -1.26511111212331d. We can split this up as follows:

  • 1 bit is used to represent the sign -
  • 11 bits for the Exponent 1
  • 52 bits for the Mantissa -

Much like the float, as the Exponent grows in size the decimal places become less precise. I won't go in to much more detail than this, the concept is the same as the float but instead of single precision we have double precision allowing larger values in both the Exponent and Mantissa.


To assign a doubles value you should end the value with an d

double smallNumber = 3.14d;          // Initialized with the value 3.14d
double negativeNumber = -123.45d; // Initialized with the value -123.45d
double defaultValue; // Non-initialized so the values default is 0.0d

Occupies 64 bits, stored using 8 bytes